Using Feedback Surveys to Create Growth Mindsets
– Cartier Japan
同社では、お互いを高め合うための“成熟したフィードバック文化”が個々のグロースマインドセットを作るという考えのもと、全スタッフを対象としたフィードバックサーベイと研修を実施しています。カルチャー・トランスフォーメーション(組織文化の変革)に取り組む上で、どのように調査を実施したのか、また、どのような成果につながっているのか。ラーニング&ディベロップメント シニアマネージャーのウィリアム・ニーリー氏にお話を伺いました。
Cartier Japan is a world-renowned luxury brand that considers all staff members to be important assets. The company is implementing a variety of initiatives to ensure that the wonderful experiences and values created through teamwork are nourished by growth.
Based on the belief that a mature feedback culture that encourages mutual growth will create an individual growth mindset, the company has been conducting feedback surveys and training for all staff members. We spoke with LEARNING & DVLP SENIOR MANAGER William Nealy about how the surveys were conducted and what results they yielded in the company’s culture transformation efforts.
【インタビュイー Interviewee】
ウィリアム・ニーリー氏(Mr. William Nealy)
カルティエジャパン ラーニング&ディベロップメント シニアマネージャー
【インタビュアー Interviewer】
瀬戸 静香(Shizuka Seto)
リアルワン株式会社 カスタマーサクセスチーム マネージャー
Real One, Inc. Manager, Customer Success Team
荒木 美佐緒(Misao Araki)
リアルワン株式会社 セールスチーム
Real One, Inc. Sales Team
・The key to a growth mindset is accurate self-awareness
・Surveys are a method of approach. What matters is the story to be realized
・Appreciation for providing the opportunity
・Feedback is a gift among staff members
What led you to implementing the feedback surveys?
- ニーリー
Nealy カルティエジャパンでは、常に高い目標を掲げており、今後更なる高みを目指して目標を達成していくためには、これまでとは違ったアプローチが必要だと考え、組織の風土改革を行うことになりました。そのアプローチの一つが正しいグロースマインドセットを持つことです。全スタッフがグロースマインドセットを持っていれば、現状をより良いものへと改善することができます。仮に失敗したとしても、挑戦した結果であればそれはそれで良いことだと考えています。
At Cartier Japan, we believe that we need to reform the culture of our organization. This is because we always have aspirational goals. And to achieve our goals, we need a different approach, and one of them is to have the right growth mindset. If all of our staff members have growth mindsets, we can improve the current situation for the better. It’s fine even if we fail, as long as it’s the result of us challenging ourselves.
An important part of the growth mindset is self-awareness, which essentially means having an accurate view of your present self. To enhance self-awareness, it’s important to know how those around you evaluate your work and how they view your contribution to the project, rather than judging it solely from your own perspective.
In reforming the organization into one with a growth mindset, we wanted to enhance this feedback culture and decided to conduct feedback surveys for non-managers.
What results were you expecting when you implemented the feedback survey?
- ニーリー
Nealy フィードバックはお互いを理解する方法の一つであり、サーベイはそのための手段です。直接的なフィードバックとは異なり、カルティエジャパンは、このサーベイはスタッフに求められる能力やスキルを私たち(会社、参加者すべて)に教えてくれる有効なツールと考えています。
Feedback is one way we understand each other, and surveys are a way to do that. Unlike direct feedback, Cartier Japan believes that this survey is an effective tool to teach us about the competencies and skills required of its staff.
Change cannot be accomplished overnight. However, taking the first step is important. I believe that increasing self-awareness and having an awareness of feedback and its importance through this project will be a major step forward.
What were some of the considerations you took into account when conducting the survey?
- ニーリー
Nealy コミュニケーションはとくに大切にしていることで、私たちが何をしようとしているのかを事前にしっかり伝える機会を設けました。今回のフィードバックサーベイは部下を持たないスタッフを対象に実施しているのですが、当社ではこのほかにも管理職向けの360度調査、従業員エンゲージメント調査なども行っています。調査はあくまでもアプローチの一部であり、重要なのは、これらの調査が実施される背景にどのような全体像があるのかを理解してもらうことです。
Communication is especially important to us, and we communicated well in advance what we were going to do. This feedback survey is being conducted with ordinary employees who do not have subordinates, but we also conducted 360 surveys for managers as well as employee engagement surveys. The key is that the survey is only part of the approach. The important part is that the subjects understand the overall story behind how these surveys are being conducted.
In communicating this to the staff, we created an orientation video to clearly explain how these surveys could be used in the concept of a growth mindset.We will continue to conduct feedback surveys once a year. After receiving feedback, we will discuss the feedback with managers, formulate an action plan for improvement, and then conduct reevaluations.
評価項目はどのように作成しましたか? また、評価協力者はどのように選ぶ形でしょうか?
How did you formulate the evaluation items? How were collaborators for the evaluation chosen?
- ニーリー
Nealy カルティエジャパンのコンピテンシーを参照することをスタート地点としました。私たちはコンピテンシーを重視しており、この3年間は「コンピテンシーとは何か」「なぜ、コンピテンシーが重要なのか」を理解してもらえるよう注力してきました。
We referenced Cartier Japan’s competencies as a starting point. We place a high value on competencies, and over the past three years we’ve focused on helping people understand what competencies are and why they’re important.
Competencies are behavioral characteristics found in people who are performing. In this project, we narrowed the focus to communication and picked two items that were important to all staff members to create the evaluation items.
The subjects chose five feedback givers for the evaluation from among those who have worked with the subject for at least three months.
Were any of the survey results unexpected?
- ニーリー
Nealy とくに驚きはありませんでした。ただ、「サーベイの際にどれだけ正直にコメントできるか不安」という意見があり、匿名とはいっても難しい点があることは認識していました。
There were no particular surprises. However, some participants commented that they were not sure how honest they should be in their feedback and we were aware that even with anonymity, there were difficulties.
Feedback is an opportunity to motivate colleagues and, conversely, can undermine motivation. We spoke with participants after conducting the survey, and some said that the project was very constructive and allowed them to get a true sense of what they were really thinking. Others wanted to give feedback that would help their colleagues be positive.
Can you go into detail about the purpose and content of the training sessions that took place after the feedback surveys were implemented?
- ニーリー
Nealy 研修の目的は、フィードバックの受け止め方を理解してもらい、最終的にはオープンマインドとグロースマインドセットを持ってもらうことです。どのようなフィードバックであっても、それを積極的に活用して発展させること。それが一番のポイントです。
The goal of the training is to help people understand how to accept feedback and ultimately have an open mind and a growth mindset. The bottom line is feedback should always be used and developed constructively.
The report itself is very simple and allows you to check your self-awareness and the perceptions of your peers. Ideally, you’ll understand what you and your peers know about you and to use that information as the basis of forming an action plan.
However, since there are about 500 participants, we haven’t been able to fully grasp the actual status of how far the utilization of the survey has progressed. The next step is to follow up with all participants and create a mechanism to understand how the feedback survey is connected to the next action plan. Since the project has just begun, there’s still a lot of work to be done.
What were the reactions and opinions of the staff who participated in the survey and training?
- ニーリー
Nealy 会社として時間と労力をかけて、このような機会を提供してくれたことに対する感謝の言葉を多くいただきました。一方で、結果に対して神経質になったり、気弱になってしまった人もいました。また、調査対象者は評価協力者を5名選びますが、評価する側が「十分にその人のことを知っているといえるのか?」と不安になるケースもありました。
Many expressed appreciation for the time and effort the company had put into providing such an opportunity. On the other hand, some were nervous or jittery about the results. In addition, participants were asked to select five evaluation collaborators, and in some cases, those doing the evaluations were anxious because they felt like they didn’t know the person well enough.
Another issue was consistency in the evaluation criteria, which used a 5-point scale from 1 to 5, with some people giving 5 for almost every item and others never giving 5 because it would mean they were perfect. Interpretation of numbers is a challenge that follows in a project like this, but we believe we can do better by making adjustments in the future.
There were no extreme feedback comments. Some messages were a bit harsh, while others expressed support. However, I believe the important thing is that no items were left blank, meaning most people actively wrote in comments.
What comments have you received from the feedback givers?
- ニーリー
Nealy 評価協力者の多くが、フィードバックを通じて会話が生まれ、お互いの見識が深まったことが本当に良かったと感じたようです。私たちは何年も前からフィードバック文化を組織に根付かせたいと考えていました。今回のプロジェクトでは間違いなく意識が高まった手応えがあり、目標を達成するためのスタート地点に立てたと思っています。
Conversation through feedback allows us to deepen our insights. Everyone was really happy in that regard. We’ve always wanted to embed feedback culture in our organization for years. This project has definitely increased awareness, and I believe we’re now at the starting point of achieving our goal.
Two-way feedback is crucial for cultural transformation. We’ll continue to send a consistent message not only about the importance of feedback itself, but also about what we can do to create a culture in which feedback is routine.
Constant practice should improve feedback skills and lead to self-awareness.
- ニーリー
Nealy 自分がどう見られているかを考えることは、自分自身のためでもあります。私は何かをする時は自分がどう見られるかを考え、「最高の自分を見せられるか」と自分に問いかけるようにしています。また、こうした意識を持つことで、相手にフィードバックするチャンスを見つけることにも慣れていきます。自己認識も重要ですが、お互いに気を配り、支え合うことも大切だと思っています。
It is for your own good to think about how you are seen. When I do something, I think about how I want to be seen. I ask myself, “Can I present my best self?” It’s also about getting used to looking for opportunities to give back. Self-awareness is important, but so is looking out for and supporting one another.
The ultimate goal is not to share feedback once a year. It’s to be able to have positive and constructive conversations on a daily basis through feedback. This leads to a relationship of trust, which in turn allows us to take on various challenges.
Do you feel that the feedback survey and training are effective?
Although we just started, we feel that there is a change in awareness taking place. We have also found that staff members are wanting to receive a lot of feedback.
Since the feedback survey is a tool, it’s important to keep it consistent and operational. It’s intended to be used in such a way that trends can be captured. For example, what has changed? How has it changed?
What is your overall impression of Real One and its services?
We had to start with a short preparation period, but Real One was quick to respond and communicated closely with us, so we were able to act quickly. Overall, we received very good service and I’m thankful for that.
What is your message to the staff at Cartier?
This project is about fostering a mature feedback culture. If we can achieve this, we can become a supportive team. Feedback is an important skill in business and an important concept in accomplishing goals. It’s important that we continue supporting each other so that we can move forward and progress as a team.
This project is a first step. We look forward to continuing to work with you to establish a culture of feedback.
Finally, do you have a message for companies that are considering implementing feedback surveys?
We conducted feedback surveys for non-management staff this time, which I think is a very rare case. However, we received many comments from staff that they value us, and we’re very glad that we conducted this survey.
At first, there were many concerns such as what the results would be used for, whether the subjects will trust the results, how to obtain constructive feedback, as well as the risk involved. However, once we got things started, it turned out to be one of the most important initiatives we had ever undertaken.Feedback surveys are also of great value in terms of showing trust to employees. Even if the feedback itself is not perfect, the recipient will be able to do something constructive with it. In other words, we see feedback as a gift from one member to another. Companies that want to create this kind of organizational culture should definitely try using feedback surveys.
カルティエジャパン Cartier Japan